Ecology Park Dayhike,a BLM Wildlands OutingMarch 22, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Ecology Park over look. Photo Jim Lockhart
Ecology Park is an area near Cañon City, south of Royal Gorge, jointly managed by the Bureau of Land Management and Cañon City, which offers hiking and mountain biking trails. This moderate hike of approximately 5 miles with less than 700 feet elevation change will explore trails in the western part of the area. We will learn about proposed mining in the area, which could affect it as well as nearby Grape Creek Wilderness Study Area.
For more information or to register for the hike, contact Jim Lockhart at 719-385-0045 or Please contact Jim no later than Thursday evening, March 20th.
We also will learn about the recently completed BLM resource management plan and how it could affect the area and threats to the area from changes in federal management land use policy. Bring plenty of water, lunch, snacks, and clothing and footwear suitable for the weather conditions. Carpooling or a car caravan from Colorado Springs to the trailhead will be arranged. Due to weather and/or trail conditions, the hike may be relocated to a different location in the area.
Pika Presentation with Rocky Mountain Wild, A Webinar
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Rocky Mountain Wild's conservation biologist, Megan Mueller, told us about their Colorado Pika Project!
In the face of climate change, this collaborative project engages community scientists to conserve the American pika and safeguard the health of alpine ecosystems in Colorado. Rocky Mountain Wild has more info about this project, the Pika Patrol app, and how you can get involved